I began this in September and finish it now. Please forgive the 8 month delay. This also is completely unedited. There is probably much revision that needs to be done.
Everything comes from God. The Báb writes, "There is none other God but Thee and in truth unto Thee do we all return." Though human's are the beings that have been designated with the soul and the capacity to recognize God as our Creator, other beings still feel his presence. Bahá'u'lláh in the Tablet of Carmel declares, "Sanctified be the Lord of all mankind, at the mention of Whose name all the atoms of the earth have been made to vibrate, and the Tongue of Grandeur hath been moved to disclose that which had been wrapt in His knowledge and lay concealed within the treasury of His might."
Do we look at the claim of vibrating atoms figuratively or should we take this literally? Let us begin with the idea of laws of attractions. Everything is held together by various attractions such as gravity, magnetics, electromagnets, nuclear forces, etc. In like manner, the human hearts are attracted by love for one another which bring us together. Such as the sun which has a greater pull on the planets closer in orbit to its center, we also have a great pull on those whom we love to be near us at all times. Hence, Bahá'u'lláh wrote, "Whither can a lover go but to the land of his beloved? and what seeker findeth rest away from his heart’s desire? To the true lover reunion is life, and separation is death. His breast is void of patience and his heart hath no peace. A myriad lives he would forsake to hasten to the abode of his beloved."
To continue from this point, our greatest love must be our Creator for He gave us life and everything we possess. The same goes for all the atoms and all of Creation. They vibrate at the sound of the name of their Creator.
The reality is that everything has a spirit. The Master spoke, “In the mineral world the spirit shows itself, but limited to that mineral condition.” With the mineral being the lowest of the kingdoms, we can assume all else above has spirit too. It is simply to the capacity to show whatever this spirit may be. For the plant, this is growth. For the animal, it is movement and frolicking through the lower kingdoms. For man, it is the knowledge of God.
However, we need another piece of existence and this is the soul. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said, “When we speak of the soul we mean the motive power of this physical body which lives under its entire control in accordance with its dictates.” It is through our soul we have free-will and understanding. It controls what patterns we will choose to follow in life; whether we will find God within us and show forth the virtues He bestowed upon us or not. Then there is also “the power of the mind” which “gives [man] a power whereby he may investigate the reality of every object. It leads man on and on to the luminous station of divine sublimity and frees him from all the fetters of self, causing him to ascend to the pure heaven of sanctity.” Through the mind, we understand science and the natural world. In a Tablet to August Forel, the Master writes, “It is by the aid of such senses as those of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, that the mind comprehendeth, whereas, the soul is free from all agencies.” Likewise, as the soul cannot comprehend the physical realm, the mind cannot comprehend the abstractness of the realm of the soul. Our Faith, thus, cannot be something we ponder and piece together with equations and observations. Rather, we need to detach ourselves of the physical mind and instead focus on the soul, and there we will find the attributes latent within us.
Finally, we return to the spirit. What is it? In the Divine Philosophy we find written, “The spirit is the axis round which the eternal life revolves. It is conducive to everlasting glory and is the cause of the exaltation of humanity.” It is the divine energy which keeps everything going together and which interconnect everything in life.
You may then ask if the spirit causes life. This I cannot answer, but I can again quote ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and say, “The test of existence is motion. An object which has in itself the power of motion lives. If motion is withheld growth ceases. That is mortality.” It is settled then, everything that is not at 0 Kelvin is alive because every atom at every moment is moving, vibrating (I do not mean here, that even in death we are truly alive because the atoms in our dead body are moving. I mean that the dust we are made of is alive. They are simply the building blocks which give rise to another type of motion, which is our existence). Let us quote the Master again,
“There are different degrees of motion. There is a motion of transit, that is from place to place. For example, the revolution of the earth around the sun; a bird flies from branch to branch. Another kind is the motion of inherent growth, like that of man from the condition of childhood to the estate of manhood, or the development of a tree from the seedling to its full fruition. The third is the motion of condition — the sick man passes from the stage of sickness to the state of health. The fourth motion is that of the spirit. For instance, the child while in the mother's womb has all the potential qualities of the spirit, but those qualities begin to unfold little by little
as the child is born and grows and develops, finally manifesting all the attributes and qualities of the spirit. The fifth is the motion of the intellect whereby the ignorant become wise; the indifferent, alert; the dark, illuminated and the carnally-minded, spiritual.
In this century a great impelling stream is manifest in the world of intellect. Minds have been stirred by this impulse and have made marvelous progress. The sixth motion is that of the eternal essence. That is to say, all phenomena either step forth from the arena of non-existence into the court of objectivity, or from existence into non-existence. Just as being in motion is the test of life, so being stationary is the test of death and when a moving object stops it retrogrades. To stop means to fall. When a tree stops giving fruit it decays.
In other words, man must throughout all the degrees of life evolve and progress day unto day, for life is continuous. The manifestors of divine law have appeared so that they may confer upon man an ideal power which will enable him to advance along all the degrees of human attainment. The power of the world of existence is limited, while the power of God is unlimited. If the reality of man should not be confirmed by a divine power human progress would terminate.
On the other hand, the divine reality is unlimited and immeasurable and can never stop or deteriorate, therefore the holy souls who are confirmed with this divine power are likewise.”
Yes, that is a huge quote-but I really could not leave any of it out. The existence of the atom, or the life of the atom I should then say, is that of the first degree. From place to place. It does not move a far distance, but it moves all the same. (Quick side note: What do you think of the sixth degree of motion in terms of quantum mechanics where for some period of time, it seems as if the electron does not exist as it passes through a double slit?)
Now all of this may seem crazy, but hang in there. Using all of the above definitions, we can assume that the atom is alive, and if it is alive, it is part of the mineral kingdom and thus has spirit. Now, spirit is all interconnected together with one another in the divine energy of life.
Since everything is interconnected, we all feel the same pains (or at least should if we open ourselves up) and happiness. The atoms vibrate at the power of the Word, as mentioned at the beginning, and they feel the evolution of the human spirit as they progress from one Dispensation to another (i.e. from Christianity to Islam). Here, the power is so great, that the world is literally shaking at the tumultuous changes occurring and the pains and strifes we inflict upon one another.
I do not mean to go against science and say that earthquakes and weather patterns are occurring because of God. No. I do not mean that. The proper scientific conditions need to be in place, such as two straining faults, or enough evaporated water traveling at certain speeds. But what I mean is perhaps the atoms can “think” and put themselves in this proper position as they turmoil at our turmoil.
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My friend Justin (shout out to therandomwriting.blogspot.com) had a note to make on this point. He wrote to me, "I do believe it's a bit of a stretch to say "at the mention of
Whose name all the atoms of the earth have been made to vibrate"
should be taken literally, even if atoms posses a spirit."
He made a very good point. I responded with the following, "I don't mean to take it 100% literally-but how else do we say that the earth is shaking at the power of His Name? Did the earthquakes that killed 1/2 of the regiment which executed the Blessed Bab occur randomly and by pure chance they happened to be in the same place? Just for example."
For those of you who are unaware, the Báb, a forerunner of Bahá'u'lláh (similar to John the Baptist in Christianity) was executed by a regiment of 750 riflemen because of His teachings.
Justin then responds, "that's what i thought, but it could have happened randomly by pure
chance, just saying..."
Another great point! Much can always do with chance-but is it really chance? Is it really chance if we roll a die and it lands on a certain number? We would like to say yes, but in reality-it all depends on how you hold the die, how fast you toss it, with what power, and the surface you are using. If you know how to calculate it (ok, I'll be honest this is a huge stretch, but bear with me...), you will get whatever number you want.
Also, on a little more probable note (and something I responded to Justin with),
"maybe look at this way also:
there is the power of utterance. I am sure through your studies of philosophy and English you came across the terms pathos, ethos and logos. logos fulfills the mind as it is the logical appeal. ethos fulfills the soul as it is the ethical. pathos fulfills the soul as it is the passionate appeal. if you look at training animals, its not what you say, but how you say which satisfies them-it quells their spirit. likewise, you may hear of people talking to plants to help them grow-it is simply how you say what you say which enhances their growth. it is the transfer of the spirit and the reconnection and solidification of the connection. (yes animals have a logical side also-ouch that hurts! i will stop doing that! but thats minimalistic. there is no ethical side to it)."
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